Boiler Boost Pressure

1. During the heating and pressure rise process, keep the water level normal and stable. The saturated steam pressure rise and heating speed are strictly controlled according to the curve. The monitoring of the drum wall temperature is strengthened. The temperature difference between the upper and lower walls of the steam drum is ≯40℃. If there is a tendency to exceed it, immediately Slow down the rate of pressure increase, strengthen the bottom drainage, and continue to increase the pressure after the temperature difference is qualified. When it is still ineffective, the pressure increase should be stopped, and the pressure should be increased after finding out the cause, and at the same time, the water level of the steam drum can be maintained slightly higher. Through continuous discharge or fixed discharge of water, the feed water bypass regulating valve is used to adjust the feed water volume. When a continuous feed water volume is established, the economizer recirculation door is closed.

2. In the process of boiler heating and pressure increase, attention must be paid to the expansion of each part, and the expansion indicator should be used to check regularly. If there is any abnormality, stop the pressure increase and find out the cause. If the expansion part is stuck, continue after the failure is eliminated. Boost pressure; if you find uneven expansion of the heated parts, you can switch the oil gun or burner, strengthen the bottom drainage and other methods, so that the expansion of each part is even, then the pressure can continue to rise. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the expansion of the wall reheater relative to the water-cooled wall and the lower part of the boiler during the heating and pressure increase process.

3. Test whether the quality of the soda is qualified or not. If it is unqualified, it can be through continuous discharge, fixed discharge, chemical addition and other means. If it is seriously exceeded, the temperature increase and pressure increase can be stopped, and the temperature increase and pressure increase will be performed after it is qualified.

Post time: Jun-15-2021